Information of Hong Kong LCSD 25 sports grounds timetables and facilities - SGSChecking SGS for the timetable before planning your jogging, 5K/10K, Half Marathon/Full Marathon and track running trainingThis app shows the latest usage information of the sports grounds running by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in Hong Kong, Kowloon, New Territories and Islands. Total of 25 sports grounds are included in this apps. They are grouped in districts which are listed in alphabetical order.Whats inside:★. Schedules - Timetables of current and/or next months booking status if available★. Facilities - Sports Grounds facilities and supporting like lockers, changing room and toilet ★. Transport - Access methods to the sports ground★. Location - locate the sports ground before planning or travelling to.⚠ SGS do not provide booking function. Please refer to LCSD link.SGS needs to use ✋mobile or ✋wireless network connection for data usage.